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  When nobility of purpose is                                    powered by knowledge and                                  technology, there are no limits to                        excellence.

 Oriana Group

  Oriana Healthcare is a premier                            healthcare provider in the UAE,                            offering top-quality services that meet            global standards.

 Irham Group

  New standards in the healthcare sector      of UAE is the Irham Healthcare group, a        premier healthcare company in UAE.

 Al Tadawi Specialty Hospital

  In line with the UAE government’s vision      of providing world-class healthcare and    a life filled with prosperity for its citizens,      residents,and everyone who lives under      its sky.                                                      ViewMore

 City Hospital Specialty

  City Hospital is a leading multi-                      speciality hospital that provides                    comprehensive healthcare services   to      our community and beyond.                            ViewMore

 The Garden Plus Medical Center

  The Garden Medical Center,                              cosmetology, dermatological                           treatments, for skin diseases.

 Onyx Medical Center

   Onyx Medical Center is a premium                 multi-specialty medical center                       located near the famous Dubai                       Miracle Garden in Dubai.                                  ViewMore

 UpToDate Clinic

  To be known as the most trusted                    health care provider for patient-                    focused medicare and a valued                      partner in the community creating                positive change.                                                    ViewMore

 Dr. Dana Diet center

   Dr. Dana Al-Hamwi, a specialized                   nutritionist, received her Doctorate in           Medicine from the University of                       Damascus and earned her Master’s               degree specializing in Human Nutrition       from the University of Sheffield in the              UK. ViewMore

 Iranian Hospital

  The Iranian Hospital was built on 1970 on    a land donated by his Highness Sheikh        Rashid Bin Saeed Al Maktoum to the              Iranian Red Crescent Society.                  ViewMore

 Lamasat Medical Center

   Lamasat Medical Center is a                           complete medical institute that had             specialists in pediatrics,gynecology and     obstetrics,internal  medicine,                           orthopedic,general                                             medicine,orthodontics and general               dental department.                                            ViewMore